Breast Enhancement, Reconstruction after Cancer, and Breast Lifts Provide Symmetry and Lift

January 28, 2010 – Fredric M. Barr

Breast Enhancement, Reconstruction after Cancer, and Breast Lifts Provide Symmetry and Lift
Breast Enhancement, Reconstruction after Cancer, and Breast Lifts Provide Symmetry and Lift

The incidence of breast cancer in women in the United States is around 13%. One in eight women undergo various therapies and procedures to overcome cancer, but oftentimes, these women are left with scars and misshapen breasts. Breast Reconstruction after Cancer can be performed using silicone implants, saline implants or tissue from other areas of the patient’s body such as a “tummy tuck” flap or back flap.

Reconstructive Breast surgery results in a a more natural appearing silhouette with breast replacement following a lumpectomy or breast removal. Although results vary depending on the surgical area, the goal of breast reconstructive surgery is to provide as much symmetry with the breasts as possible. Breast reconstruction is also an option for women who have had multiple biopsies or other scars that result in significant changes in breast volume. View our Breast Reconstruction Gallery for more information on this procedure.

Breast Reduction is another procedure for women who experience discomfort –whether emotional or physical– from the size of their breasts. Breast Reduction removes the excess fat volume and breast gland, lifts sagging breast skin, and repositions nipples. After breast reduction surgery, many patients experience reduced neck, shoulder and back pain. For most patients of breast reduction or breast lift procedures, breast feeding is still possible. Please view our Breast Reduction Gallery for a better understanding of options and results of the procedure.

For those who would like to eliminate sagging breasts and nipples, breast lift procedures can be performed at a variety of degrees. In addition to this procedure, many women opt for implants as well to provide upper breast fullness and lift. For a visual example of breast lift procedures and implants, please view our Breast Lift Gallery.

Breast Enlargement provides a number of options, as the use of silicone implants in addition to saline implants have been approved by the FDA for breast enhancement. Breast implants help increase breast volume, with minimal scar with small incisions either around the nipple areola or below the breast crease, where the chest and breast meet. Saline implants look most natural when placed below the chest muscles, while silicone implants can be implanted below or above the muscle. For optimal results, some women choose a breast lift with their implants to eliminate breast sagging. Please visit our Breast Enhancement Gallery to see “before” and “after” images of procedures.

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