Mini Tummy Tuck is a Mini Procedure Offering Less Drastic Option to Reduce Excess Abdominal Fat
February 10, 2010 – Fredric M. Barr
Mini procedures such as the mini tummy tuck offer a less drastic measure for those looking for a noticeable change but who do not need an in-depth procedure such as an abdominoplasty in order to achieve their desired results.
Mini tummy tucks are a body-contouring surgical procedure for both men and women who have undesired problem areas of excess skin and fat in the lower abdominal region but are not severely obese or overweight. This procedure helps create an improved appearance of the abdominal area, helping to shed excess fat and loose or stretched skin covering the lower abdominal area.
Post-pregnancy, many women experience C-section scars, or gain a fatty lower abdominal pouch in the area below their navel. Mini tummy tucks are safely performed with numbing solution injections and entail removing skin and tightening the muscles of the lower abdomen below the navel.
Lasting under two hours, mini tummy tuck procedures produce mild side effects which may include discomfort, numbness, and temporary swelling.
With a conscientious diet and exercise regimen, results of mini procedures can be long-lasting. However, pregnancy or poor diet and exercise leading to weight fluctuation may affect results over time.
The mini tummy tuck procedure involves surgical incisions above the pubic region. The surgeon removes loose skin, and at this time liposuction may be performed to help remove excess fat from the area. Sutures are small and drains are inserted to prevent the buildup of fluid as the sites heal.
As an outpatient procedure, mini tummy tucks may use local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or a combination of local anesthesia with sedation.
Please view our mini tummy tuck gallery to view mini tummy tuck before and after images of mini tummy tuck procedures.