Mini Facelift is a Great Choice for Your New Year’s Resolution

January 5, 2010 – Dr. Barr

Mini Facelift is a Great Choice for Your New Year Resolution in Florida | Call 561-833-4122

When facing a New Year, you may be considering a new way to tackle the old adage of a New Year, a new you… without breaking the bank. For a boost in confidence with subtle-yet-visible results, mini facelifts provide new transformations based on an old practice. This procedure provides a simple, far-from-dramatic change; just enough of a change for aging men and women who want a discreet improvement.

The term ‘mini facelift‘ refers to the minimal amount of time spent during the procedure as well as in recovery. Reducing the onset of sagging in the jaw line, cheeks and neck, this procedure is a low-stress, low-risk, low-cost one in comparison to full facelifts. By reducing wrinkles and tightening the skin surrounding the eyes, jaw line, jowls, neck and cheeks, mini facelifts erase years off your appearance.

Are you a good candidate for a Mini Facelift?

Optimal candidates for a mini facelift are experiencing sagging and wrinkling skin from loss of skin elasticity. This procedure works best for those who are in good health, and still have a decent amount of elasticity in their skin.

Even more important than a candidate’s physical condition is their emotional and mental preparedness. Regardless of the subtle and desirable results achieved through the mini procedure, candidates must be emotionally ready for the change in outward appearance as well as the potential change in others’ reactions and perception of the change. Potential candidates must have a clear understanding of the procedure from start to finish combined with realistic goals in regards to their image.


For optimal, natural-looking results, a candidate must have realistic expectations. If a complete overhaul is what you desire, a mini-facelift may not be the answer. However, for a fast recovery and subtle remarkable changes, the quick nip/tuck of a mini-facelift is a perfect solution.


Because a mini facelift focuses on a subtle improvement, this procedure is not for everyone. Results are less noticeable for older patients. Patients experiencing early signs of aging and loss of elasticity in skin can benefit greatly from a mini-facelift. The small incisions and quick recovery time are attractive aspects of the procedure.

Recovery time

While full facelifts and other cosmetic procedures can take months to heal, a mini facelift procedure typically heals in less than two weeks. This is great news for those who are always on the go, or who want to be discrete about having procedures.

Since mini-facelifts require only local anesthesia, a numbing solution is injected to the necessary areas. For mini procedures, the patient does not go “under.” Post-procedure, the patient is able to shower, drive, and resume most normal activities the following day.


Mini facelift patients experience a more defined jaw line, firmer cheeks, and bright, cheerful eyes. Results achieved from a mini facelift last longer for younger patients than for older patients. However, all patients experience pleasant results without undergoing an extreme facial reconstruction.

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