Lose Ten Years From Your Face on Your Lunch Break: How a Mini Eyelift Can Instantly Rejuvenate You This Fall
August 21, 2018 – Fredric M. Barr

The First Signs of Aging Are in Your Eyes
Factors such as genetics, sun exposure and lifestyle choices (i.e. smoking) can cause the skin to lose elasticity slowly over time. Because the skin around the eyes is extremely delicate, signs of aging are more prominent in this area. Loss of elasticity causes the eyelids to droop and sag, and for noticeable under eye bags to develop. The result is eyes that appear to be chronically tired or sad, even though you may not feel this way at all. These features may be unattractive, making you feel self-conscious about how you look.
A lunchtime eyelift could be the natural-looking cure for your tired, aging eyes. Why not brighten them instantly and boost your confidence with a quick procedure you can get over your lunch break?
Mini Eyelifts
Mini eyelifts target either the top of your eyelid, the bottom, or both, depending on what your areas of concern are.
Surgery on your lower eyelid (lower blepharoplasty) can address problems such as fatty bulges and excess skin with just a small, hidden incision. Combined with other treatments such as fillers and skin lasers, your eyes can be rejuvenated and look their best.
Upper lid procedures (upper blepharoplasty) can resolve issues such as excess eyelid skin and fat through a small incision in the natural eyelid crease. During a mini upper eyelid lift, the forehead will also be evaluated to determine if a mini eyebrow lift is also recommended since the appearance of the eyebrows can also affect how the eyelids look.
Canthopexy may also be recommended to further optimize the appearance of the lower eyelid during mini eyelid procedures. This mildly-invasive eyelid surgery uses carefully placed sutures to tighten tissues which support the outer corners of the eye and reduces drooping lower eyelids.
As with all mini procedures, mini eyelifts can be performed in the office under local anesthetic such as a numbing solution injection along with a pill to relax. Dr. Barr provides music of your choice in a comfortable environment overlooking the beautiful Palm Beach intracoastal. Patients are able to resume most normal activities the next day.
Dr. Fredric Barr, Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon
Palm Beach Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery’s goal and expertise is to provide a natural refreshed result with minimal down time. Dr. Barr has appeared on the Dr. Oz national T.V. show utilizing injections of hyaluronic filler as an alternative for problem areas under eyes. This is a great option for a candidate that would not be suitable for the lower eyelid lift.
At Palm Beach Plastic Surgery, achieving a natural and refreshed look is always our goal. Dr. Fredric Barr is a leader in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery who has been practicing in the Palm Beaches for over 30 years. His boutique concierge practice give patients a personal, educational and private experience.
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