Eyelid Lift: A Tiny Change Can Make a World of Difference
June 1, 2010 – Fredric M. Barr

In a story by NBC Channel 5, a woman named Cindy sought the help of Dr. Fredric M. Barr of Palm Beach Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. Unhappy with the wrinkles under her eyes and extra skin under her chin, Cindy wanted to rejuvenate her face without major surgery or downtime.
She chose the Band-Aid mini-lift to remove extra skin from her chin and a bottom eyelid lift to get rid of the bags under her eyes. Dr. Barr removed the excess fat from underneath her eyes and used a laser tool to erase fine lines and crow’s feet. He also performed the mini-lift with stitching behind her ears.
“I don’t think I need major surgery. At this point it’s just little things I want to improve upon. It was very easy and the healing was painless…this is perfect especially if you’re busy and working,” says Cindy. Because the procedure is done in office with local anesthetic, Cindy can get her back to her regular life right away.
Eye lift surgery options exist for both upper and lower eyelids, depending on what the patient desires. Lower eyelid improvement helps with fatty bulges, excess skin, wrinkles, discoloration or combinations. Skin lasers and fillers can also be combined with lower eyelid lifts to further enhance lid appearance.
Upper eyelid surgery procedures will also improve excess eyelid skin and fat. An additional procedure through the upper eyelid incision called “canthopexy” can be performed to further improve the aging lower eyelid drooping appearance.
Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Barr has had over twenty years of experience practicing cosmetic surgery in Palm Beach County, Florida and is dedicated to making his patients feel comfortable with no questions unanswered.