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West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon

Body Procedures

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery in West Palm Beach, Florida, we offer a variety of body procedures to help patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals. With over 30 years of experience as a Board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Barr provides personalized and effective solutions to enhance the appearance and contour of the body.

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Dr. Barr performs a variety of surgical body procedures including: Arm Lift, Liposuction and Tummy Tuck.

Body Procedures
Breast Implant Illness | Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Breast Procedures

Explore Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery’s Breast Procedures in West Palm Beach, FL

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we perform a variety of breast procedures that aim not only to improve physical appearance, but also to address physical discomfort, health issues, and to safely enhance body proportions.

We understand that body image profoundly impacts a person's self-perception, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Furthermore, our top priority is the health and overall well-being of our patients. As you explore your options, we are prepared to guide you through your journey.

Types of Breast Procedures We Offer at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

We perform the following breast procedures in our office:

Contact our patient counselor today, and we will help you make informed decisions towards your health and aesthetic goals.

Breast Procedures & Breast Implant Illness (BII)

In the realm of breast implant health, medical experts are actively discussing Breast Implant Illness (BII). The FDA's investigation has revealed a significant correlation between textured implants and a concerning disorder called Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). This correlation leaves no doubt about the potential health implications.

While the medical community seeks to understand breast implant-related illnesses and the FDA conducts ongoing investigations, an increasing number of women worldwide report experiencing perplexing inflammatory symptoms they attribute to their implants.

The exact prevalence of breast implant illness remains uncertain. However, with over 400,000 women choosing breast implants annually in the United States alone and many sharing their personal stories, this is an issue that demands serious attention.

Consequently, Dr. Barr decided to stop performing breast augmentations in 2019. 

Implant Explantation (Total Capsulectomy) — Removal of the Implants and the Capsule

A total capsulectomy involves the complete removal of the capsule that forms around breast implants and the implants.

Dr. Barr begins the procedure with an incision in the breast area, through which he carefully removes the entire capsule surrounding the implant. This meticulous approach ensures the full excision of all traces of the capsule, including any scar tissue or calcifications, and the implant itself.

We often recommend total capsulectomy for various reasons, including cases of breast implant illness (BII) or when a patient wishes to have their breast implants removed completely. Dr. Barr's expertise and attention to detail allow him to perform this procedure with precision, ensuring the best possible outcome for his patients.

If you are considering a total capsulectomy or have concerns related to breast implants, schedule a consultation with Dr. Fredric M. Barr at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery. During the consultation, he will evaluate your specific situation, discuss your goals and options, and provide personalized recommendations to address your needs effectively.

Breast Lift (Mastopexy) — Reshaping the Breasts

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to lift and reshape the breasts to correct sagging or drooping caused by various factors, including pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and aging.

In cases that require a total capsulectomy, Dr. Barr removes the breast implants and the surrounding scar tissue (capsules) completely. Patients who have experienced complications or symptoms related to breast implants, such as those associated with Breast Implant Illness (BII)  can benefit from this thorough removal.

By combining his expertise in breast lift and total capsulectomy procedures, Dr. Barr provides patients with comprehensive care and optimal results. To determine the most suitable treatment plan for you, schedule a consultation with our patient counselor to discuss your individual circumstances, concerns, and goals.

Breast Reduction (Mammoplasty) — For a More Balanced, Comfortable, and Proportionate Appearance

Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery offers breast reduction procedures to help patients achieve their desired breast size and shape. Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess breast tissue and reshaping the breasts to achieve a more proportionate and balanced appearance.

During the breast reduction procedure, Dr. Barr makes incisions to access the breast tissue and remove the excess volume. The specific technique used may vary depending on the patient's individual needs and goals. Dr. Barr takes great care to strategically place incisions to minimize visible scarring.

After removing the excess tissue, he reshapes the remaining breast tissue and repositions the nipples and areolas to a more aesthetically pleasing position before closing the incisions with sutures.

Breast reduction surgery offers numerous benefits, including: 

  • Relief from physical discomfort caused by large breasts improved posture
  • Enhanced body proportions 
  • Increased self-confidence

Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) — Treating Enlargement of Breast Tissue in Men

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue and can be caused by hormonal imbalances, genetics, obesity, or certain medications.

During the male breast reduction procedure, Dr. Barr makes small incisions around the areola or in the underarm area. Through these incisions, he removes excess glandular tissue and fat to reduce the size and improve the contour of the breasts. In some cases, he may also use liposuction to remove additional fatty tissue.

Dr. Barr considers each patient's specific needs and goals to create a customized treatment plan to achieve a more masculine, proportionate, and natural-looking chest.

We Can Help You Understand What to Expect with Your Breast Procedure

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we understand that undergoing a breast procedure is a significant decision. We are here to provide you with the information and support you need to make an informed choice and feel confident throughout your journey.

Before your breast procedure, our team will conduct a thorough consultation to understand your goals and expectations. We will discuss the available options, such as implant explantation, breast lift, breast reduction, or male breast reduction, tailored to your specific needs.

For patients concerned about breast implant illness (BII), we offer total capsulectomy, which involves removing both the implant and the surrounding capsule. This procedure has shown positive health outcomes for women experiencing related symptoms.

During your breast procedure, our skilled and experienced West Palm Beach plastic surgeons will perform the surgery with precision and utmost care. Our team prioritizes patient safety and strives to achieve natural-looking results that align with your aesthetic goals. We utilize advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to deliver exceptional outcomes.

After your breast procedure, we offer comprehensive post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery. Our team will guide you through the healing process and provide detailed instructions on post-operative care, including any necessary follow-up appointments. We will address questions or concerns you may have during your recovery, promoting comfort, and maximizing your satisfaction with the results.

Do You Have Questions About the Right Breast Procedure for You? Schedule a Call with our Patient Counselor 

Are you ready to take the next step? Our knowledgeable and compassionate patient counselor is here to guide you through the process.

Whether you have questions about our breast procedures or would like to discuss your concerns and desires, our patient counselor will provide personalized attention and support, listen to your needs, and help you make an informed decision. Call us at (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.

Arm Lift | Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery | West Palm Beach, FL

Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

Arm Lift FAQs

If I've Achieved Significant Weight Loss, Can I Get An Arm Lift?

Patients who have achieved significant weight loss should remain at a stable weight for one year before the procedure.

Does An Arm Lift Leave Scars?

Although you will have a scar from the incision, it is on the underside of the upper arm. Dr Barr will take care to minimize any scarring.

Does An Arm Lift Have Risks?

As plastic surgeons can attest, risk is inherent in any procedure. However, when you choose a Board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Barr, you can rest assured he will apply his knowledge and expertise as a Board-certified plastic surgeon with over three decades of experience, putting your safety above all else.

How Much Does An Arm Lift Cost?

As with every cosmetic procedure, the cost of an arm list varies, depending on the patient. During your consultation, we can discuss costs based on your needs and goals.

Does Health Insurance Cover An Arm Lift?

Insurance regards an arm lift as an elective procedure; therefore, it's generally not covered. However, we accept CareCredit®, cash, checks, and credit cards, and offer financing options for your convenience.

Choose Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery for Five-Star Service, Safety & Honesty

When choosing among West Palm Beach plastic surgeons for procedures like arm lifts, experience, knowledge, training, and compassion matter. Our doctor, Fredric M. Barr, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a Board-certified plastic surgeon who has been helping patients achieve a naturally beautiful appearance for over three decades. Schedule your consultation at (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form.

Liposuction | Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery | West Palm Beach, FL


Dr. Barr Discusses Liposuction Procedures

Watch as Dr. Barr performs a Mini Liposuction for a patient at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, with no downtime and virtually no pain.

Watch as Dr. Barr explains how he performs his liposuction procedures under local anesthesia only. He can improve any area to your disliking in terms of diet-and-exercise-resistant fat in his West Palm Beach office. 

Individual results may vary**

Envisioning the Benefits of Liposuction in West Palm Beach

Liposuction Before and After Photos*

For additional treatments and procedures not listed, please complete our online form to request more information or call (561) 833-4122

Liposuction — What To Expect Before, During, and After the Procedure

Before you undergo liposuction, you'll have a consultation with Dr. Barr. He will review your medical history, ensure you are in good health, and inquire about the areas of your body causing concern. He'll ask if you maintain a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, and determine your body mass index (BMI). Why? For the best long-term results from liposuction, candidates must be able to maintain a healthy weight.

During this meeting, Dr. Barr will determine how much fat he needs to remove with liposuction, based on your unique needs and goals.

Our minimally invasive procedure takes place in our West Palm Beach office, where we administer a local anesthetic to the treated area or areas and use small cannulas to remove fat.

Schedule a Consultation Today for Liposuction at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery in West Palm Beach

Are you ready to discover more about our liposuction techniques to contour irregularities, eliminate unwanted fat, and experience renewed confidence in your body? Contact us at (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.

Tummy Tuck Procedure | West Palm Beach | Call Us Today (561) 833-4122

Tummy Tuck

Full Tummy Tuck FAQs

How Does A Tummy Tuck Differ From Liposuction?

A tummy tuck procedure primarily addresses excess skin and weakened abdominal muscles, usually resulting from pregnancy, weight loss, weight gain, or aging. It's best suited for individuals with loose, sagging skin and weakened abdominal muscles that diet and exercise cannot adequately address. It results in a flatter, more toned abdomen and an improved appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen. On the other hand, liposuction focuses on removing localized, stubborn pockets of fat from various areas of the body, including the abdomen. It's suitable for individuals who are close to their ideal body weight, but are struggling with resistant fat deposits. 

Can I Combine A Tummy Tuck Procedure With Another Cosmetic Procedure?

Yes. When tailored for women, we often call this combination approach a "mommy makeover." We can address multiple aesthetic concerns in a single surgical session. During your consultation, we can discuss your medical background and aesthetic goals to determine the right course of action for you — whether it includes liposuction or a breast lift

Why Is A Tummy Tuck Performed With General Anesthesia?

General anesthesia ensures you do not feel any pain during the procedure, which involves extensive tissue manipulation, muscle repair, and skin removal. General anesthesia allows for a controlled and consistent state of unconsciousness for the duration of the surgery. 

Are Tummy Tucks Covered By Health Insurance?

Because health insurance generally views tummy tucks as elective procedures, they usually do not cover them.

How Much Do Tummy Tucks Cost?

The cost varies, depending on the needs and goals of each patient. During your consultation, we will discuss costs based on your unique circumstances. For your convenience, we accept CareCredit®, cash, checks, and credit cards.

Will I Have A Tummy Tuck Scar?

As with most surgical procedures, you can expect some scarring. However, rest assured that Dr. Barr employs meticulous surgical techniques to minimize scars and achieve optimal aesthetic results. During your consultation, we will address all your concerns.

Schedule a Consultation at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery in West Palm Beach, Florida to Explore Your Eligibility for a Tummy Tuck Procedure

Are you ready to remove stretch marks and hanging skin from the abdominal area to reveal a more youthful appearance? Contact us at (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation with our patient counselor. 

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we prioritize your safety while offering you five-star service to look and feel your absolute best.

Experienced Plastic Surgeon Performing Body Procedures in West Palm Beach, FL

Many patients choose to have body procedures performed by Dr. Fredric Barr at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery to enhance their appearance and improve their confidence. Body procedures offer individuals the opportunity to address specific concerns and achieve their desired aesthetic goals. Whether it's liposuction, tummy tuck, body contouring, or other body procedures, these treatments can help remove excess fat, tighten loose skin, sculpt the body, and create a more proportionate silhouette.

Patients often seek body procedures to regain their pre-pregnancy shape, address the effects of weight loss, or simply improve their overall body contour. Dr. Barr's expertise, combined with his commitment to patient satisfaction, ensures that each procedure is tailored to the individual's unique needs, resulting in natural-looking and transformative outcomes.

Explore the Different Types of Body Procedures We Offer at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we offer the following types of body procedures:

Contact our office today to explore your options with our patient counselor. We are happy to answer your questions and help you envision your next steps towards your aesthetic goals.

Breast Procedures — Promoting Health and Positive Self-Image

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we provide patients many options concerning breast procedures to help them achieve their desired health and aesthetic goals. Amid growing concerns and reports of debilitating symptoms from some of his patients about their breast implants, Dr. Barr listened and altered his practice. He stopped performing breast augmentation surgery in 2019.

Patients who choose to have their breast implants removed can consult with Dr. Barr and Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery about a total capsulectomy, which removes scar tissue around the implant and the implant itself. Unlike an en bloc capsulectomy, a total capsulectomy focuses solely on removing the scar capsule and implant, without removing any additional tissue. This procedure may be a suitable solution for women who believe their breast implants are causing symptoms. You can trust that Dr. Barr will fully remove the capsule during this procedure.

A breast lift, also called mastopexy, is a surgical solution to elevate and reshape the breasts, effectively addressing sagging or drooping caused by a range of factors such as pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process.

Our breast reduction procedures, also known as reduction mammoplasty, can help you remove excess breast tissue and reshape your breasts for a more balanced and proportionate look. Trust our skilled West Palm Beach plastic surgeons to give you the results you desire.

Gynecomastia, a condition where male breast tissue becomes enlarged, can be caused by various factors such as hormone imbalances, genetics, obesity, or certain medications. Dr. Barr performs a male breast reduction procedure to address this issue. With small incisions made around the areola or underarm area, he removes excess glandular tissue and fat, resulting in reduced breast size and improved contour. In certain cases, liposuction may also be used to remove additional fatty tissue.

Tummy Tuck Procedures — Customized Treatment for a Tighter Abdominal Appearance

During a tummy tuck procedure, Dr. Barr removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal area, and tightens the underlying muscles to create a firmer and more defined abdomen. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have experienced:

  • Significant weight loss
  • Pregnancy
  • Aging

These conditions may have led to loose abdominal skin and weakened abdominal muscles.

Dr. Barr understands that each patient is unique. He takes the time to assess your individual needs and goals to develop a tailored treatment plan. By utilizing advanced surgical techniques, Dr. Barr strives to achieve naturally beautiful results that restore confidence and improve his patients’ quality of life.

Liposuction Procedures — Aesthetically Sculpting for a Healthy Look

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat deposits from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, arms, or buttocks. This procedure can help sculpt and reshape these areas, resulting in a more contoured and proportionate figure.

With his expertise and extensive experience, Dr. Barr utilizes advanced liposuction techniques to sculpt and contour the body, providing patients with more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing results. The procedure involves making small incisions through which a thin cannula is inserted to suction out the unwanted fat cells.

During a consultation, Dr. Barr takes the time to understand each patient's unique goals and concerns, ensuring a personalized treatment plan. His commitment to listening, understanding, and compassion allows him to exceed patients' expectations and deliver natural-looking outcomes.

Arm Lift Procedures — Reinforcing Your Confidence With a Rejuvenated Appearance

An arm lift is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms, resulting in a more contoured and youthful appearance. This procedure is particularly beneficial for individuals who have experienced significant weight loss or have noticed sagging skin and tissue in their arms due to aging.

During an arm lift, Dr. Barr makes incisions along the inside or back of the upper arm, strategically placing them to minimize visible scarring. He then removes the excess skin and fat, tightens the underlying tissues, and sutures the incisions for optimal results. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia, and the recovery period typically involves minimal discomfort and downtime.

Dr. Barr's expertise and attention to detail ensure that each arm lift procedure is tailored to the patient's specific needs and desired outcome. By utilizing advanced surgical techniques, he aims to achieve natural-looking results and help patients regain confidence in the appearance of their arms.

If you are considering an arm lift, schedule a consultation with Dr. Fredric Barr at Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery. During the consultation, he will thoroughly assess your individual concerns and goals, providing personalized recommendations to help you attain the sculpted arms you desire.

Which Procedure Is Right for Me in West Palm Beach, FL? 

With our comprehensive range of body procedures to help individuals achieve their desired aesthetic goals, you may wonder which procedure is right for you.

At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, you can expect a compassionate and respectful approach to achieving your optimal results. Dr. Barr and the team will take the time to listen to your unique concerns and goals, guide you toward the right decision(s), and provide personalized treatment plans, so you’ll know what to expect before, during, and after.

Schedule A Consultation with Our Patient Counselor

Are you ready to take the next step towards achieving your aesthetic goals? Our knowledgeable and compassionate patient counselor is here to guide you through the process.

Call us at (561) 833-4122 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation. Whether you have questions about our procedures or would like to discuss your concerns and desires, our patient counselor will provide personalized attention and support, listen to your needs, and help you make an informed decision.

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At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, we view Plastic Surgery procedures in a direct and honest manner using the principles of either addition, subtraction or a combination of both.

For additional treatments and procedures not listed, please complete the form above to request more information or call (561) 833-4122.

Learning Center

We provide a growing multimedia content library to help you to understand and visualize the different procedures we offer. Review the educational information applicable to your situation to help you make informed decisions, ask the right questions, and take the right steps both before and after your procedures.

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Our Faqs


If I am seeking to undergo a combination of procedures, will they be done together or consecutively? What is the timeline for multiple procedures?


The answer depends on multiple factors, including the specific combination of procedures, your recovery rates, your age and health status, and your behaviors or habits. More invasive surgeries typically require recovery time ranging between 6 and 12 weeks to 6 months, and surgeries to the same area of your body will also generally require recovery time between procedures.

However, if you are in good health and the combination of procedures in question will be performed on different parts of your body and are not especially invasive, a combination of procedures could potentially be approved together on a case-by-case basis. It is imperative that the combination of procedures does not compromise your healing, and your attention to prescribed pre-operation and recovery habits also plays a significant role. Schedule a consultation for an assessment and guidance regarding the procedures you are considering.


Will it be obvious that I “got work done” after my procedure?


While aging affects us all, there are steps we can take to put forth a more vibrant appearance. We seek to perform subtle adjustments to address imperfections and the wear of time while retaining your natural look. While you should notice an improvement, the glaring changes or distortions in appearance you are concerned about and may have seen from other surgeons’ work do not meet the standard of quality plastic and cosmetic surgery we perform in our office.

Dr. Frederic M. Barr is a board-certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon with over 30 years of experience performing Plastic Surgery in South Florida. We enhance and refine your appearance according to your goals. Review our Gallery of Before & After Photos to see some examples of our work.


What does Breast Explant Surgery entail, and will my breasts be “back to normal” after the surgery?


For patients with Breast Implant Illness (BII), which can include allergy, auto-immune, and thyroid hormone issues, this has been an emerging topic with significant press coverage in recent years. Although numerous medical professionals have demonstrated varying responses to these women’s concerns, we believe in addressing these women’s experiences and symptoms. In response to this phenomenon, we have also chosen not to perform new breast implant surgeries. We perform Total Capsulectomy on patients with breast implants, which involves the removal of both the saline or silicone implant and the capsule around it.

Removal of the implants and surrounding scar tissue has been shown to improve women’s health concerning these symptoms. While some women choose no further procedure following Breast Explant Surgery, some patients elect to have a Mastopexy procedure that involves reshaping the breast tissue for a pleasant cosmetic breast appearance. We welcome your specific questions regarding these procedures and their anticipated effects for your situation. See our Breast Implant Explantation (Total Capsulectomy) page for more detailed information, including before-and-after photo examples.


Are injectables safe, and are some safer than others? What are the dangers, and how can I avoid them?


We only utilize injectables and safe procedures for our patients, though any procedure involves some degree of risk. Proper performance and the surgeon's skills and experience performing the procedure are vital factors affecting patients’ safety. At Palm Beach Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, our surgeon is Board-Certified, with over 30 years of experience. We enforce a high standard to maintain safety for our clients and competitors. See our Injectable Procedures Overview for a list of injectable procedures and more information on each.


What options do you have for Reconstructive Surgery?


We perform Breast Reconstruction After Cancer, Hand Reconstruction, Nose Cancer Reconstruction, and Cleft Lip Repair.


Can I pursue financing options if my health insurance does not cover cosmetic or reconstructive surgeries?


We can address your specific procedure questions and a range of financing plans that include interest-free and long-term options during a consultation. Ask us about CareCredit, a healthcare credit card designed specifically for cosmetic or reconstructive procedures not covered by health insurance. The Alphaeon credit card is another option that offers flexible monthly payment options, and Prosper Healthcare Lending provides another means to pay. See our Plastic Surgery Financing Options page for more information.
