Tear Care Treatment in Fort Lauderdale

Looking to get the Tear Care Treatment in Fort Lauderdale? We’ve helped countless people overcome the discomfort of dry eyes symptoms, and we can do the same for you.

Why Choose Palm Beach Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery?

Thanks to advancements in medical technology, you no longer have to live with the discomfort of dry eyes. Our team has the necessary skills and experience to help you overcome this irritating condition.


Patient Safety — With our impeccable attention to detail, and our commitment to making your safety our number one priority, you’ve got nothing to worry about.


Experience — Dr. Barr has served the communities of Fort Lauderdale, and beyond, for over 30 years.


Commitment to Service — Our staff is available and on-call 24/7, and we even offer concierge services for our patients (car service, nursing service, hotel reservation, and more).

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Call (561) 833-4122(561) 833-4122 or fill out the short form below. We will usually respond within 1 business day but often do so the same day. Don’t hesitate, your questions are welcome.

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We Are Here To Help

Say goodbye to dry, itchy, and irritated eyes with TearCare — a painless and non-invasive procedure that treats the root cause of dry eye syndrome. By unclogging and stimulating the meibomian glands, TearCare restores natural tear production and improves overall eye health, providing long-lasting relief and improved vision. Don’t let dry eyes hold you back — if you’re searching for Tear Care Treatment in Fort Lauderdale, we’ve got you covered.


Contact Us

It’s important to keep in mind that the longer you neglect your dry eyes condition, the higher the chances that you may develop eye inflammation, abrasions of the corneal surface, and in some rare cases, even corneal ulcers. Take the first step towards a more comfortable, healthier you. If you’re searching for Tear Care Treatment in Fort Lauderdale, call our office to schedule your free consultation.

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